We are excited to introduce the Center for Integrated Cellular Analysis Virtual Series: a set of online talks discussing new computational and analytical methods for single-cell multi-omics. Each seminar will focus on a recently published manuscript or preprint, and be presented by one of the lead authors. Talks will be openly broadcast online, with a public Q&A session after each seminar.

Next Event: Dec 7, 12 - 12:45pm EST

Past Talks

Bingjie Zhang , New York Genome Center
Avi Srivastava, New York Genome Center
Characterizing cellular heterogeneity in chromatin state with scCUT&Tag-pro
November 16

Farhia Kabeer, University of British Columbia
Clonal fitness inferred from time-series modelling of single-cell cancer genomes
August 17
Kunal Pandit , New York Genome Center
Joana Petrescu, New York Genome Center / Columbia University
PySeq2500: An open source toolkit for repurposing HiSeq 2500 sequencing systems as versatile fluidics and imaging platforms
October 19
Tim Stuart, New York Genome Center
Multimodal single-cell chromatin analysis with Signac
May 25

Yuhan Hao, New York University / New York Genome Center
Integrated analysis of multimodal single-cell data
Feb 11